jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015

More Forums in France and Slovakia

On monday (14 december 2015), the partner Mugazte organise a new Forum on #Youthactivation in Hendaia (France) with 11 persons (housing, employment, youth, social work, education...). 3 hours for exchange ideas and proposal for youth. Thank you!
At the same time, in Bratislava, Mládez celebrate another Forum around social workers and the university...
Step by step, we develop a new regard on employment and young people.


International Forum in Bratislava

We realise a new Forum on #Youthactivation in Bratislava (10 december 2015), an international forum with 10 participants of Spain, France, Portugal and Slovakia (social workers, education, journalists,...). At this moment, more than 200 persons participe in the forums we have organised in each countries.
We will organise an other international forum in june in Bayonne (France).

Meeting coordination in Bratislava

Thank you Mládez and Ulita for this meeting in Bratislava (8-11 december 2015 - Slovakia). A nice time.  We can speak about our Youthlab Project, about activities. We work in a few rooms, in a church,...
We think we have a lot of ideas to do the publication on #Youthactivation.

Next activities:
  • January 2016: finish the publication and the forums.
  • February-May 2016: Diffusion - Dissemination activities in the 4 countries.
  • 22-26 February 2016: Study Visit in Spain (Bilbao-Gasteiz-Donostia- Iruña)
  • 4-8 April 2016: Study Visit in Portugal (Caldas and Lisboa)
  • 1-3 June 2016: Meeting Coordination and International Forum.


sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2015

Study visit in Pessac-Bordeaux

Very good week in Pessac (France) visiting projects on YouthActivation. (2-6 november 2015)
Thank you very much Action Jeunesse de Pessac!


  • Visit The Local Mission
  • Visit the Mamboko association
  • Visit Action Jeuness
  • Visit The Social Center
  • Visit of Bordeaux center
  • Visit CSGTP Association
  • Visit Futsal Chatagneraie
  • Visit USCP Association

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015

Visit Study on YouthActivation in France

One of the main activities is the exchange, learning and improvement of existing socio-educational methodologies. Therefore, we plan to organise educational visits for professionals and students working with young people who will visit one of the four participating countries to learn about interesting methodological proposals that can then be adapted to the individual context.
This activity is targeted to: people involved with the issues of youth, employment, formal training and education; policy makers, leaders of foundations, business associations, unions; students. 
 2-6 november 2015
Pessac-Bordeaux (France)
Action Jeunesse de Pessac et Mugazte
+ info: aintzane.cabo@ehu.eus

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

Forum youthactivation in Vitoria-Gasteiz

IRSE Araba organise a new Forum. More ideas and visions on youth activation...
we are building a proposition...

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

More forums and ideas on youth activation

October 14 on Hondarribia (HeziZerb), October 19 in Irun (Kimmu) and October 21 in Corella (ANNF) 28 persons talk and thonk on youth activation. With this we will realize a publication.
Thank you!
And tomorrow a forum in Vitoria-Gasteiz (IRSEAraba).

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015

YouthLab project in USA - Good Practices

Members of Kimmu and Loadinn (partners of YouthLab project) during their stay in San Francisco visited some organizations and companies that had programs to boost emancipation among youngsters, women and immigrants. It was interesting to see what were they doing to foster activation and empowerment and to bring new examples back home.

Some of the most interesting activities were our visits to The Bread Project and La Cocina both related with the food industry and focusing on people with low income that face barriers to employment and emancipation. Check them out! 


jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015

More Forums!

A new forum of #Youthactivation in Estella-Lizarra (Nafarroa-Spain) in 30 september 2015.
8 persons speaks and things about the situation and new ideas for the youth activation.

Steps by steps we have more and more ideas for our publication!


martes, 14 de julio de 2015

Mládež ulice welcome!

We welcome Mládež ulice which are incorporated by Slovak  partner in the project YouthLab - Erasmus+

The civic association Mládež ulice is devoted to a field social work and provision of services for children, youth and families from the standard environment (youth from housing estate, urban communities) as well as from socially disadvantaged environment. Our activities started in year 2000 and since 2004 we have systematically worked on improvement of the quality of life of people in Čapajevova Street in Petržalka, Bratislava. In 2012 we have expanded our activities also to the area Východné, in borough Rača, Bratislava. During autumn 2013 we started low-threshold program in third borough, in borough Vajnory. Since September we have been working on a pilot project aimed at implementing field social work in the environment of youth groups that are at a risk of adopting radical opinions, attitudes and behavior.

lunes, 13 de julio de 2015

Ideas for Youth Activation

ANNF organizes a contest of ideas on youth activation and emancipation. Youth groups presented projects to improve employement and training.
+ info

 Difuse the contest!

domingo, 12 de julio de 2015

Forum in Slovakia

We continue with the forums. June 30 is celebrated in Bratislava a forum that brings together 10 people to think about the youth activation and emancipation. The figure depicts a young European. Three questions arise: what are we doing? what do he need? what we should do or change?